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Online Video CV

HR market is changing. Recruiters find it more useful to see you in a short video instead of reading about you in long, boring and non-conclusive resumes. Employers want to see you, to hear you and to better understand you as a person.

On the other hand, employees find it more useful to present themselves in a video. This evolved along with the evolution of the new social media wave platforms, from Instagram Reels to Tik-Tok and Youtube Shorts.

30 sec to 1 min long videos are everything needed for a potential employer to match you with a potential position within the company you apply for.

Video CV platform offers 3 main areas to cover with self recorded videos:


    Here’s the part of your Video CV where you describe yourself as a person, as an individual. You may talk about your age, your hobbies, your goals in life, everything which could make your potential employer know you better in less than a minute.


    Here’s the part of your Video CV where you talk about your professional experience and what recommends you as a professional for that job. It might be your previous education or a position you have or had in the same field, but it’s up to you to persuade in up to a minute your potential employer that you have what it takes for the job.


    Here’s where you talk about your expectations from the job. It may be the last part of your Video CV, but it’s important. Employers want to know what level of salary you expect for the job, what is the level of the salary you get from your current employer or if you want a particular employing package.

No video making or video editing experience required for showing your employers a video CV that talks about your skills

Nowadays, competition is tough and the hiring process has changed. Technology has revolutionized every industry, and the recruitment process is no different.
Introduce yourself and present your best qualities with a modern video resume of yourself․

Employers and recruiters want to see you in person. This eases the recruiting process and offers you an advantage as compared to those who don’t have a Video CV.

Especially when it comes to the recruiting process over the online platforms, a video CV will impress your recruiters as compared to the candidates who present only classic CVs.

A video CV will convey the strengths you can’t put on a resume, qualities such as warmth, clear communication, charisma, a good sense of humour. You can’t do this in a classic CV, right?

Do you want to create a professional-looking online video CV for your job applications and interviews? A well-made online video CV is an effective way to let your personality shine and impress recruiters.

Now you can do that on your own. No video editing abilities required, no previous experience in creating video materials. Just be yourself and the recruiter will see your originality.

What is an online video CV?

Your online video CV allows you to describe your skills and experience in short videos to a prospective employer. An online video CV can be quite effective if used in the right context, and that is the reason that we’re here. By showing potential employers your online video CV, you’re not only presenting them with your resume but you also show them a piece of work that they can use as an example of your talent.

Just like a paper resume, in a VIDEO CV you need to cover the essentials:

– Generalities about you as an individual
– Your professional experience
– Your expectations from your future job place.
It’s a structure thought about along with the professional employers.

We cut out everything which was not needed and everything which could be left out.

But many employers still want to see a classic CV. What to do then?

We took this situation into consideration, of course. This is why our platform has a particular area where you can upload your classic CV previously created, in a PDF format.
That’s how your employers can still check your classic resume, but also see you in person in a nicely crafted VIDEO CV.

Advantages of having an online VIDEO CV created on VIDEO CV App platform

– no previous experience required in creating videos
– no previous experience in editing videos
– you will distinguish among other applicants for the same position
– it allows you to upload your classic CV as well
– it increases your chances of being recruited
– it unveils your personality in minutes